Sunday, March 30, 2014

Adventures of a Southern Belle in the Peace Corps

Before leaving South Carolina, I had one acquaintance comment that she didn't think I would make it in rural Peru. When I asked her why, she told me it was because I was girly and enjoyed the finer things in life. Well, she might have underestimated me a bit but she did have that part right. I do enjoy the girlier and finer things in life. That doesn't mean I can't survive in the campo, but it does mean I have some funny or ridiculous adventures along the way. Please enjoy my beauty blunders and lessons learned. 

I tried a hair conditioning treatment of avocado, banana, and egg one time. The directions say to "purée" the avocado and banana in a food processor. Not having a food processor, I did the best I could with a spoon. The results were a pretty chunky mess but I continued anyway. Not only did the writer not think of a non- food processor option, I highly doubt they had considered the effects of a bucket bath versus a normal shower with hot water and water pressure. My bucket bath with cold water did a poor job of getting the mixture out of my hair. My hair did feel good for a few days, but I'm not sure it was worth the bugs that pursued the sweet smell of my hair for hours after. 

Before going on a beach vacation, I thought I would treat myself in the capital city to a wax. I will spare the details but I will just say I was traumatized and do not suggest it. Just because you can find most things available in a capital city does not mean they are the same or that you should do it. Lesson learned. 

A ribbon from a care package makes a great hair bow to make me feel better about my unshowered pony tail. 

After a long week, a movie night with a Ryan Gosling movie and a bottle of wine is the perfect Friday night activity - regardless of the country you're in. 

Living on the coast has an added benefit of being able to find pumice rocks right on the beach. Pedicure anyone? 

I brought just a couple Lily things with me. After feeling too campo for a bit, putting on a Lily top instantly makes me feel more put together and like myself again. 

Pinterest can become more than interest boards - it can be a way of life. Beware. 

And finally, if you leave home without a brush and go 10 weeks without getting one - a S/ 1 comb seems amazing! 

Special thanks to my amazing Mama for care packages with Lily, Clinique, hair conditioner, and more to keep me properly groomed while in Peru!  

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